
Resources for Learning

Note: Our courses are endorsed and accepted for Boundary Training credit in the following denominational entities:

Rocky Mountain Conference, UCC

UCC in Florida Conference

O’ahu Association, Tri-Island, and Inter-Island Associations of the Hawai’i Conference, UCC

Hawai’i Conference, UCC**

Heartland Conference and Living Water Association ONE, UCC

SoCal Nevada Conference, UCC

Central Rocky Mountain Region, Christian Church, Disciples of Christ

Below are our courses currently being offered:

“A POSITION OF TRUST” This is our basic boundary training class suitable for active authorized ministers, persons seeking ordination, and seminarians. Topics covered: Basics of Boundaries; Power and Vulnerability; Transference, Ego, & Roles; Healthy Communication; Confidentiality & Disclosure; Social Media Best Practices; Red Flags of Unhealthy Ministry Relationships; Personal Ethics - Sexual Boundaries & Dual Relationships, Financial Responsibility; Personal Safety for Self and Family; Healthy Ministry Staff Relationships; and, Mandatory Reporting Responsibilities for Clergypersons. 9 hours. This course can be delivered online on live Zoom or in person. It is interactive and engaging, providing a combination of lectures, group case studies, breakout sessions for community building and sharing, videos, and take-away resources.

“PREACHING AND PASTORING IN THE PURPLE CHURCH: CALMING THE CHAOS” This is a specialty class for active ministers who are currently serving or curious about what it is like to serve as a pastor in a politically diverse congregation. Team-taught with nationally known homiletics professor, Rev. Richard F. Ward, PhD, topics for exploration are: Power from the Pulpit; Narrative Preaching as an Invitational Resource in Divided Times; Convening the Sacred Conversation & Creating Sacred Space; Building and Keeping Trust with Congregants Through the Exercise of Healthy Boundaries; Recognizing & Pastoring in a Culture of Unhealthy Communication Tendencies; and, Resources for Personal Study, Reflection, and Cohort Building. 3 hours. This course is delivered online on live Zoom. It is interactive and engaging, providing a combination of lectures, group case studies, breakout sessions for sharing sermon and boundaries experiences, and take-away resources.

“HEALTHY MINISTRY RELATIONSHIPS & RETIRED MINISTERS” This class is specially designed as refresher boundary training for retired ministers still involved in congregational life. Whether retired ministers are engaged in interim, bridge, or transitional ministry, occasional pulpit supply and/or special worship service leadership, or are simply pew parishioners in their prior congregation or a new one, the exercise of healthy boundaries, ethics, and self-care practices are still important for retired clergy. For most denominational committees on ministry, this course satisfies a retired minister’s periodic boundary training requirement. 3 hours. This course is delivered online on live Zoom. It is interactive and engaging, providing a combination of lectures, group case studies, breakout sessions for community building and sharing ministry experiences, and take-away resources.